TRAMsoft GmbH
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Portrait Reto Ambühler Portrait Thomas Müller
Reto Ambühler Thomas Müller

TRAMsoft GmbH is registered with the commercial register ("Handelsregister") as a limited company ("Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung") based in Hittnau, Kanton Zürich.

The company was founded in 1983 by the two owners Reto Ambühler & Thomas Müller as TRAMsoft Ambühler & Müller, a general partnership ("Kollektivgesellschaft"), shortly after we graduated from the technical high school ("Technikum Winterthur"). We started with extensions to SHARP Pocket Computers. First we significantly expanded the set of BASIC commands of the pocket computers, then we started to build peripheral devices for data collection and simple process control applications. When Personal Computers became available, we started to use them for data acquisition and analysis as well as for process control.

In 1988 TRAMsoft started to import PCs from the far east. Later on, we extended our offerings with notebooks.

Since a few years, we also work on GPS (Global Positioning System) based applications.

In 2002, the company was changed to TRAMsoft GmbH, a limited company ("Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung") and its head quarter was moved to Hittnau in the canton Zürich. Reto Ambühler became the managing director.

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