Edge 520 | epix | Foretrex 601 | GPSMAP 66 | Montana 700/700i/750i | GPSMAP 276Cx | Camper 780 | Overlander | cfQue 1620 | TracPak | Maps | Accessories | Buyer's Guide | Shopping basket | ||
GARMIN Country List |
Most of the GARMIN GPS devices are available in two versions:
We sell only the "Atlantic" versions. For these devices, the list of countries with detailed information includes:
No. Name Abbrev. 1 Algeria DZA 2 Angola AGO 3 Armenia ARM 4 Austria AUT 5 Azerbaijan AZE 6 Bahrain BHR 7 Belarus BLR 8 Belgium BEL 9 Benin BEN 10 Bosnia-Herzegovina BIH 11 Bulgaria BGR 12 Cameroon CMR 13 Central African Republic CAF 14 Chad TCD 15 Congo COG 16 Cote D'Ivoire CIV 17 Croatia HRV 18 Cyprus CYP 19 Czech Republic CZE 20 Denmark DNK 21 Djibouti DJI 22 Egypt EGY 23 Eritrea ERI 24 Estonia EST 25 Ethiopia ETH 26 Finland FIN 27 France FRA 28 Gabon GAB 29 Georgia GEO 30 Germany DEU 31 Ghana GHA 32 Greece GRC 33 Guinea GIN 34 Guinea-Bissau GNB 35 Hungary HUN 36 Iceland ISL 37 Iran IRN 38 Iraq IRQ 39 Ireland IRL 40 Israel ISR 41 Italy ITA 42 Jordan JOR 43 Kazakhstan KAZ 44 Kuwait KWT 45 Latvia LVA 46 Lebanon LBN 47 Libya LBY 48 Liechtenstein LIE 49 Lithuania LTU 50 Madagascar MAD 51 Malawi MWI 52 Mali MLI 53 Marocco MAR 54 Mauritania MRT 55 Monaco MCO 56 Mozambique MOZ 57 Namibia NAM 58 Netherlands NLD 59 Niger NER 60 Nigeria NGA 61 Norway NOR 62 Oman OMN 63 Poland POL 64 Portugal PRT 65 Qatar QAT 66 Romania ROM 67 Russia RUS 68 Saudi Arabia SAU 69 Senegal SEN 70 Slovakia SVK 71 Slovenia SVN 72 Somalia SOM 73 South Africa ZAF 74 Spain ESP 75 Sudan SDN 76 Sweden SWE 77 Switzerland CHE 78 Syria SYR 79 Tanzania TZA 80 Togo TGO 81 Turkey TUR 82 Turkmenistan TKM 83 Uganda UGA 84 Ukraine UKR 85 United Arab Emirates ARE 86 United Kingdom GBR 87 Uzbekistan UZB 88 Yemen YEM 89 Yugoslavia YUG 90 Zaire ZAR
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
TRAMsoft GmbH Laettenweg 19 / CH-8335 Hittnau / Switzerland Contact Last modification: 06/30/2024 (RA) (This document was created with TRAMsoft XbCMS V1.3-00, does not require any browser specific features and is compliant with the W3C standard "HTML 4.01 Transitional") |