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Firmware: V3.40 - V3.10 - V3.00 - V2.90 - V2.80 - V2.60 - V2.50 - V2.40

The following lists of changes are based on information provided by GARMIN. Changes or improvements which we consider important or especially useful are shown highlighted.

To view the current firmware version, complete the following steps:

  1. Press the PAGE key until you see the Menu page.
  2. Select "Setup" and press the ENTER key.
  3. Select "System" and press the ENTER key.
  4. The current firmware version (software version) will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Press the PAGE key to quit the screen.

Each upgrade replaces the complete firmware in the GPS, which means you need to install only the version you wish to apply. There is no need to install any previous versions.

Changes made from version 3.10 to 3.40: (released 03/30/2010)

  1. Add Greek Language.
  2. Support New Zealand TM datum format.
  3. Fixed an issue with creating waypoints on certain features.

Firmware Upgrade V3.40 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 824 kB)

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Changes made from version 3.00 to 3.10: (released 10/17/2008)

  1. Improve Odometer.
  2. Upgrade GPS library.

Firmware Upgrade V3.10 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 819 kB)

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Changes made from version 2.90 to 3.00:

  1. Fix power-up issue.

Firmware Upgrade V3.00 (Not available for download)

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Changes made from version 2.80 to 2.90:

  1. Upgrade gps library.
  2. Fix unlock map issue for nRoute.

Firmware Upgrade V2.90 (Not available for download)

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Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.80: (released 02/14/2008)

  1. Fix satellite dropping issue.

Firmware Upgrade V2.80 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 820 kB)

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Changes made from version 2.50 to 2.60: (released 12/12/2007)

  1. Fix demo mode turn off issue.
  2. Fix random satellite dropping errors.

Firmware Upgrade V2.60 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 817 kB)

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Changes made from version 2.40 to 2.50: (released 11/15/2007)

  1. Fix WAAS issue.

Firmware Upgrade V2.50 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 817 kB)

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Changes made from version 2.30 to 2.40:

  1. Fix the PGRMZ sentence.
  2. Fix auto search issue.
  3. Revise a wrong string in the Germany language.

Firmware Upgrade V2.40 (Not available for download)

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GARMIN eTrex H The GARMIN eTrex H is a hand held GPS receiver with high-sensitive MediaTech antenna, large display and serial interface, see detailed description.

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